Respite Care
Supported Living
Outreach Services

Our Support

Our support is tailored to the needs of the service user and is determined through a robust assessment, multi-professional discussion, family and service user involvement to generate a care and support plan that is SMART and effective.

Below are some of the support provided but not limited to:

–  Providing a safe, warm, caring living environment that meets the identified needs of the      service user.

–  Develop independent living skills and move into independent life where appropriate.

–  Assisting service users in accessing local services such as drug and alcohol services and     mental health support.

–  Develop the skills required to navigate the challenges of living in the community and          understand action and consequences.

–   Understand their emotional state and develop the tools needed to establish positive           relations and emotional awareness, to promote emotional regulation and growth.

–   Develop the ability to identify needs and advocate for themselves in accessing                     appropriate support.

–   Develop where possible skills to acquire voluntary or paid employment.

–   Support with grocery shopping and meal preparation.

–   Support with budgeting and paying bills.

–   Prompting as well as support with personal care.

–   Support with making and attending appointments.

–   Support with tenancy sustainment and moving into less supportive or independent            accommodation.

–   Support with accessing college, vocational training, and employment opportunities.

–   Linking service users with health and other community services.

–   Facilitating contact with friends and family.

–   Medication Administration by trained staff.

–   Access to 24-hour on-call management support.

–   Comprehensive person-centered needs assessments and reviews

–   Support to develop healthy lifestyles and wellness.

–   Positive behaviour management.